Level 2 Certificate in Introducing Caring for Children and Young People
Course Overview
Unlike other online childcare courses, this qualification will give your employees an introductory understanding of childcare through exploring young children’s development, the value and importance of play, how to plan a healthy diet and the importance of safeguarding and welfare.
In England, you will gain an accredited Level 2 qualification.
In Scotland, this course is comparable to a Level 5 based on the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework. Upon completion of the course, learners in Scotland will receive a digital e-certificate issued by your college.
Key Information
Course Length
8 to 12 weeks
Course Level
Level 2
Awarding Body
(E-certificates upon achievement)
Learning Method(s)
Online materials
Online assessment
For Individuals
Benefits against other online childcare courses:
Cost and Funding Information
Funded Course
Study this course
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Apply nowUnlike other online childcare courses, this qualification will give your employees an introductory understanding of childcare through exploring young children’s development, the value and importance of play, how to plan a healthy diet and the importance of safeguarding and welfare.
Unit 1: Young children’s development
This unit will explore the stages of development of young children from birth to three years. Alongside this, your employees will learn about how positive environments support the development of young children.
Unit 2: The value of play to young children
Within this unit, your employees will learn about the necessity of play to young children’s development, as well as demonstrating different play activities suitable for young children from birth to five years old.
Unit 3: Importance of play for early learning
This unit will take your employees through the vital importance of creativity and imagination in the development of a child. They will learn about how to organise a cooking activity for children, as well as the particular importance of books and stories in child development.
Unit 4: Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people
This unit examines legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people (including e-safety). Your employees will look at what action to take when children or young people are injured or ill and, when complete, they will be able to recognise emergency procedures and how to respond to suspicions that a child or young people has been abused, harmed or bullied.
Unit 5: Use food and nutrition information to plan a healthy diet
This unit will help your employees to build an understanding of how to make healthy and nutritional food choices for children. They will develop knowledge of food labels and what to look out for to ensure that children are given a balanced diet.
Full cost | Direct debit | Fully funded |
£299 | Initial payment of £29.90, 3 monthly payments of £89.70 | To be eligible you must: